Are You a New Student to WRHS?
General Information
Handbook & Important Forms
Frequently Asked Questions

The front office is where you can ask any questions.
The Counselors' Suite is the place for academic and college information. See Mrs. Sostillio to make an appointment with your counselor.

The Demon Depot is our school store where you can buy t-shirts, hoodies, and all kinds of Demon wear!

Mr. Brian Gunningham is the Attendance Clerk. He can help you call home, check into school, collect absence excuses, and check out of school.
9th Grade Orientation
What is the bell schedule?
Who is my counselor?
Where can I find out lunchroom information?
What bus do I ride?
What if I get sick at school?
You can get a pass to see Mrs. Loomis in the Med Tech's clinic.
How can my parents access my grades and attendance?