John Chance



Courses Taught:


World History



Thank you for visiting my page.

I am entering my 29th year as a teacher and my 14th at Warner Robins High. I have an Associate's Degree fr0m Middle Georgia, a Bachelor's Degree from Georgia Southwestern, and a Master's Degree from Grand Canyon University, I've spent 18 years in the Houston County School District, 5 years in Bibb County, 2 years in Bleckley County, 2 years in Brantley County. 1 year in Clayton County and 1 year in St. John's County Florida.. I am also  the head coach for the 9th grade football team.

I grew up in Danville, GA, graduating from Twiggs Academy in 1981. My wife, Cheri Goodman Chance, is a WRHS alumni. She is currently a manger and director of catering at Bodega Brew in Perry. We have six children, all of whom are products of or have at some point have been enrolled in the Houston County School System. Annie graduated from Glynn Academy and is currently employed at the hospital in Brunswick. Roland graduated from Brunswick High School in 2024. He's set to attend and play baseball at Augusta University. Emmie will be a junior at Glynn Academy and will play softball for Red Terrors this year.  Oldest daughter Harley is employed in the world of competition cheer and currently resides in Santa Rosa Beach, FL. Hannah is the owner and CEO of Goldyluxe Fine Jewelry and currently resides in Milwaukee, WI. Both graduated from Houston County High. Bret graduated from Perry High School in 2023 and is currently working with Smith Lawncare.
